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dc.contributor.authorHan, IntentionHeesup
dc.contributor.authorHyun, Sunghyup Sean
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Hospitality Management 63 (2017) 82–92vi
dc.description.abstracttThis study developed a theoretical framework in which overall image, image congruence, and quality ofphysical environment, service, and food affect guests’ satisfaction and intentions to revisit a luxury hotelrestaurant and visit other restaurants of the same hotel by considering the influence of conspicuousnessas a moderator. The measurement model assessment revealed that all items included an acceptable levelof measurement quality. Results of the structural analysis indicated that the research variables werein general significantly associated; quality dimensions and satisfaction had a mediating role; and theimpact of satisfaction and overall image on decision formation was greater than that of other variables.Moreover, the structural invariance model assessment indicated that conspicuousness acted as a signif-icant moderator. Overall, our proposed theoretical framework was found to include a sufficient powerin predicting patrons’ intentions for luxury hotel restaurant products. Using this quantitative approach,our research objectives were wholly
dc.subjectLuxury hotel restaurant; Physical environment quality; Service quality; Food quality; Customer satisfaction; Intentionsavi
dc.titleImpact of hotel-restaurant image and quality ofphysical-environment, service, and food on satisfaction and intentionvi

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