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dc.contributor.advisorNunn, Nathan
dc.contributor.authorCage, Julia
dc.descriptionxvi, 356 p. : ill.
dc.description.abstractThe primary focus of this dissertation is on information, its production and dissemination in society. In the first chapter, I explore the consequences of an increase in the number of newspapers on the quantity and quality of news provided and, ultimately, changes in political participation, using a new panel of local newspaper presence and political turnout in France from 1945 to 2012. My results shed new light on the role played by consumers' heterogeneity and increasing returns to scale in news production, and have implications for the study of the relationship between media competition and political participation.
dc.publisher[Harvard University]
dc.subject.otherEconomic development
dc.subject.otherHistorical persistence
dc.subject.otherMedia competition
dc.subject.otherPolitical participation
dc.subject.otherNewspaper's content
dc.titleEssays in the political economy of information

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