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dc.contributor.authorHudson, Simon
dc.contributor.authorRoth, Martin S.
dc.descriptionTourism Management 47 (2015)vi
dc.description.abstractThis article focuses on two under-researched areas of tourism management e the management of music festivals, and the influence of social media on customer relationships. In the new digital era of marketing communications little is known about how social media interactions with tourism brands affect how consumers think and feel about those brands, and consequently how those interactions affect desired marketing outcomes such as word mouth. Based on the literature, a conceptual model was developed and was tested using structural equation modeling. The results show that social media does indeed have a significant influence on emotions and attachments to festival brands, and that social media-based relationships lead to desired outcomes such as positive word of mouthvi
dc.titleThe effects of social media on emotions, brand relationship quality, and word of mouth: An empirical study of music festival attendeesvi

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