Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorSweety, Jamgade
dc.contributor.authorAbby, Mathew
dc.descriptionAtna Journal of Tourism Studies; 2021, Vol. 16, No. 1, 91-107vi
dc.description.abstractThe outbreak of COVID-19 has brought the entire world to a massive crisis of human illness, fatality, insecurity in family, business instability, and the downfall of the econ-omy, resulting in a huge number of job losses and pay cuts. The inadvertent consequences of COVID-19 started showing its effect in December 2019, and India started witnessing its spread by the end of February 2020 on-wards. The focus of this study was to find the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry in India before and during the first lockdown and its collaborative operations with special reference to Bangalore. The methodology in-corporated in the study was the descriptive approach through the qualitative method, and the purposive sam-pling technique was utilised. It is evident that the hospi-tality industry was hit the hardest, as travel and stay of tourists plunged to an average of -60% change of occu-pancy data compared to the same period in 2019 in India, according to the STR reports. Due to this VUCA (Volatili-ty, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) environ-ment, the hospitality industry has initiated some collabo-rative operations to render their services to society and generously assist the government bodies. It is observed that the strategic collaborative frameworks can reduce the industry jolts during such disasters.vi
dc.subjectUNWTO, Collaborative, New Normal, Travel Adviso-ry, VUCA, MICEvi
dc.titleCollaborative Operations of Hospitality In-dustry during COVID-19 Lockdown and Strategic Approach with reference to Bangalore, Indiavi

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