Bộ môn Ngôn ngữ văn hóa Anh-Mỹ: Tài liệu gửi gần đây
Đang hiển thị mục 261-265 trong tổng 340
Interpretation and understanding
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003)This book deals with how we achieve the daily miracle of understanding each other. Based on the author 's contributions to pragmatics, the book articulates his perspective using the insights of linguistics, the philosophy ... -
Public relations : writing and media techniques
(Pearson, 2014)The most comprehensive and up-to-date public relations writing text available has just been updated in its 7th edition. With real-world examples of award-winning work by PR professionals, Public Relations Writing and Media ... -
A pocket guide to public speaking
(Bedford/St. Martin's, 2016)This newly redesigned full-color edition offers even stronger coverage of the fundamentals of speechmaking, while also addressing the changing realities of public speaking in a digital world. It features fully updated ... -
iSpeak : public speaking for contemporary life
(McGraw-Hill, 2009) -
Gower handbook of internal communication
(Gower Publishing Limited, 2009)A comprehensive guide to managing communication within organisations, the Handbook recognises Internal Communication's continued growth as a management discipline. It is aimed at leaders who want insight into IC techniques ...