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dc.contributor.authorCommittee on a Strategic Education Research Partnership
dc.contributor.otherDonovan, M.S.
dc.contributor.otherWigdor, A.K.L.
dc.contributor.otherSnow, C.E.
dc.descriptionxv, 143 p. : ill.
dc.description.abstractThe strategic education research partnership (SERP) is designed to make this vision a reality. It proposes a large-scale, coherent program of research and development that would put the problems of educational practice at its center, and focus on all stages necessary to influence practice. These include theory testing, the development and evaluation of instructional programs, the study of practice in context, and attention to taking innovations to scale. This book explains the features of SERP and the ways in which it would address the major challenges of linking research and practice. It is a call to mobilize the nation s resources and political will, the power of scientific research, and the expertise of our educators, to create a more effective research and development program for improving student learning.
dc.publisherThe National Academies Press
dc.subject.otherSchool improvement programs
dc.subject.otherUnited States
dc.titleStrategic education research partnership

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