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dc.contributor.authorKutanıs, Rana Özen
dc.contributor.authorMesc, Muammer
dc.descriptionKutanıs & Mescı, JTTR –Spring & Fall 2013vi
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study is to determine whether “innovation management” has mediating effect in the relationship between knowledge management and business performance. In the framework of this purpose, the five-star hotel enterprises functioning in Turkey are included in this research. The method of the research is based on quantitative research method. In the research, the data is gathered utilizing the survey technique in the extent of quantitative research method. Research data is gathered from upper level managers of hotel business enterprises mentioned earlier. The data is gathered from 321 hotel business enterprises in total. Research data is subjected to analysis with the aid of Structural Equations Modeling (Lisrel). In the conclusions of the research, it is determined that “innovation management” has mediating effect in the relationship between knowledge management and business performance. The main deficiency of the study is that the research is carried out only in five-star hotel enterprises. Another deficiency of the study is that the research is carried out only within five-star hotel enterprises. As a recommendation for further studies that are similar to this study, researches can be carried out including three, four and five star hotels. Also, it can be compared with results of previous studies that will be carried out in hotel
dc.publisherAdnan Menderes Universityvi
dc.subjectKnowledge management, business performance, innovation management, hotel enterprisesvi
dc.titleInformation Management and Business Performance in the Hotel Industry: Effects of Innovations1vi

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