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dc.contributor.authorKrueger, Joel
dc.description.abstractAffordances are action-possibilities, ways of relating to and act ing on things in our world. They help us understand how these things mean what they do and how we have bodily access to our world more generally. But what happens when this access is ruptured or impeded? I consider this question in the context of psychopathology and reports that describe this experience. I argue that thinking about the bodily consequences of losing access to everyday affordances can help us better understand these reports. An affordance-based approach to psychopathol ogy can illuminate some of the causes, as well as the experiential character and consequences, of affective disorders and dimin ished spatial agency in self-world disturbances. It also highlights some under-explored ethical and political dimensions of these issues that need further
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisvi
dc.subjectAffordances; agency; affect; psychopathologyvi
dc.titleAffordances and spatial agency in psychopathologyvi

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