Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorKürthy, Miklós
dc.contributor.authorBex-Priestley, Graham
dc.contributor.authorShemmer, Yonatan
dc.description.abstractIt is often assumed that disagreement only occurs when there is a clash (e.g., inconsistency) between beliefs. In the philosophical literature, this “narrow” view has sometimes been considered the obvious, intuitively correct view. In this paper, we argue that it should not be. We have con ducted two preregistered studies gauging English speakers’ intuitions about whether there is disagreement in a case where the parties have non-clashing beliefs and clashing intentions. Our results suggest that common intuitions tell against the default view. Ordinary speakers describe clashes of intentions as disagreements, suggesting that the ordinary concept of disagreement is “wide” in that it extends beyond beliefs.vi
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisvi
dc.subjectDisagreement; metaethics; experimental metaethics; experimental philosophy; intention; beliefvi
dc.titleIt’s common sense – you don’t need to believe to disagree!vi

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