Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorKalis, Annemarie
dc.contributor.authorGhijsen, Harmen
dc.description.abstractWhat attitude does someone manifesting implicit bias really have? According to the default representationalist picture, implicit bias involves having conflicting attitudes (explicit versus implicit) with respect to the topic at hand. In opposi tion to this orthodoxy, dispositionalists argue that attitudes should be understood as higher-level dispositional features of the person as a whole. Following this metaphysical view, the discordance characteristic of implicit bias shows that someone’s attitude regarding the topic at hand is not-fully manifested or ‘in-between’. However, so far few representa tionalists have been convinced by dispositionalist argu ments, largely because dispositionalism cannot provide explanations in terms of underlying processes. We argue that if dispositionalism wants to be a genuine contender, it should make clear what it has to offer in terms of under standing of implicit bias. As a concrete proposal, we combine dispositionalist metaphysics with the idea that our normative practices of attitude ascription partly determine what it means to have an attitude. We show that such regulative dispositionalism can account for two prominent normative features of implicit bias. We conclude by suggesting that in order to engage in a meaningful debate with representation alism, dispositionalists might have to put the question ‘what counts as a good explanation?’ back on the table.vi
dc.description.tableofcontents2022, VOL. 35, NO. 8, 1212–1233vi
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisvi
dc.subjectImplicit bias; dispositionalism; representationalism; implicit attitudes; belief; mindshapingvi
dc.titleUnderstanding implicit bias: A case for regulative dispositionalismvi

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