Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorMarika Schaupp
dc.description.abstractThe forms of human resource development (HRD) have mostly been defined through categorizing similarities among the roles, goals, methods, and theoretical foundations of empirically observed HRD practices. However, this kind of empirical general ization fails to explain how these forms have emerged and how new forms of carrying out HRD develop. This article focuses on these questions. Its purpose is to show how the emergence of new forms of carrying out HRD can be explained on the basis of an activity theoretical, evolutionary approach. This approach views changes in HRD as processes of ‘retooling’ that take place as an interplay between the emerging developmental challenges in production and the available HRD theories and methods. The conceptual tools provided will thus also help researchers and practitioners assess the requirements and possibilities for developing new forms of realizing HRD that match the complex challenges posed by the current economy. A case analysis is used to demonstrate the approach and its superiority over the classification of the types of HRD practices for understanding the variation in the forms of carrying out HRD and their development.vi
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis Onlinevi
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL 2021,;VOL. 24, NO. 3, 262–278
dc.subjectEvolutionary approachvi
dc.subjecthuman resource developmentvi
dc.titleUnderstanding the evolution of the forms of carrying out human resource developmentvi

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