Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorH.Wright, Jesse
dc.contributor.authorRamirez Basco, Monica
dc.contributor.authorE. Thase, Michael
dc.description.abstractDeveloping a book with video illustrations required a great deal of support from our colleagues and friends. We owe a special note of gratitude to the people who volunteered to play the therapists and patients in the videos: Catherine Batscha, D.N.P., Gerry-Lynn Wichmann, M.D., Meredith Birdwhistell, M.D., Eric Russ, Ph.D., Francis Smith, D.O., Donna Sudak, M.D., Millard Dunn, Ph.D., Lloyd Kevin Chapman, Ph.D., Maria Jose Lisotto, M.D., Elizabeth Hembree, Ph.D., and Delvin Barney. These individuals made a major contribution to this book by agreeing to demonstrate CBT skills to a broad audience of readers. The videos were filmed with great care by Ron Harrison and Michael Peak from the University of Louisville, and Ries Video Productions in Philadelphia. Ron Harrison edited the videos in collaboration with the authors.vi
dc.publisherAmerican Psychiatric association Pubishingvi
dc.subjectBehavior Therapyvi
dc.titleLearning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guidevi

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