Đang hiển thị mục 6-10 trong tổng 60

    • Bayesian belief protection: A study of belief in conspiracy theories 

      Poth, Nina; Dolega, Krzysztof (Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-31)
      Several philosophers and psychologists have characterized belief in conspiracy theories as a product of irrational reason ing. Proponents of conspiracy theories apparently resist revising their beliefs given disconfirming ...
    • Belief in free will: Integration into social cognition models to promote health behavior 

      Quinton, Tom St; Crescioni, A. William (Taylor & Francis, 2022-11-07)
      The question of whether free will exists has been debated extensively for centuries. Instead of debating this complex issue, recent work in psychology has sought to understand the consequences of beliefs in free will. ...
    • Beliefs, values and emotions: An interactive approach to distrust in science 

      Furman, Katherine (Taylor & Francis, 2023-10-09)
      Previous philosophical work on distrust in science has argued that understanding public distrust in science and scientific interventions requires that we pay careful attention not only to epistemic considerations ...
    • Believing badly ain’t so bad 

      Bissett, Ema Sullivan (Taylor & Francis, 2022-05-29)
    • Body maps of loves 

      Rinne, Pärttyli; Tavast, Mikke; Glerean, Enrico; Sams, Mikko (Taylor & Francis, 2023-09-05)
      Love is an essential biological, psychological, sociological, and religious phenomenon. Using various conceptual mod els, philosophers have often distinguished between different types of love, such as self-love, romantic ...