Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorLeeds, Andrew M.
dc.description502 p. : ill.
dc.description.abstractThis second edition of an acclaimed guide to the theory and practice of EMDR provides updated information regarding new evidence for its treatment efficacy and an in-depth presentation of state-of-the-art research on its mechanisms of action. The book reviews outcome studies suggesting EMDR's effectiveness for diagnoses beyond PTSD along with studies on its use for treatment of depression, with cancer patients, and with groups. It surveys new strategies on advanced EMDR therapy topics such as when treating dissociative and personality disorders, along with references for more in-depth information. The second edition also provides an expanded glossary and extensively updated references, and reflects changes corresponding to the DSM 5. The book delivers clear, concise treatment guidelines for students, practicing clinicians, supervisors, clinic directors, and hospital administrators involved in the treatment of those with PTSD, Specific Phobias, and Panic Disorder. For researchers conducting treatment outcome studies it provides easy-to-access treatment guidelines and a comprehensive set of fidelity checklists for all aspects of EMDR therapy. A multitude of new charts, forms, scripts, illustrations, tables and decision trees present key information clearly and concisely to guide treatment planning and documentation. Case studies with transcripts illustrate the different protocols and further guide practitioners of EMDR therapy in informed decision-making.
dc.publisherSpringer Publishing Company, LLC
dc.subject.otherMESH: Anxiety disorders
dc.subject.otherEye movement desensitization reprocessing
dc.subject.otherEye movement measurements
dc.subject.otherClinical protocols
dc.titleA guide to the standard EMDR therapy protocols for clinicians, supervisors, and consultants
dc.description.version2nd edition

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