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dc.contributor.authorStankard, Martin F.
dc.description.abstractThis book gives you a framework for understanding how all of the new management techniques (even the fads) fit-or usually do not fit-your own business, and offers insight into avoiding potential business disasters. Identifying an organizational revolution built on cycles of planning, action, learning, and on a humanized scientific method, Stankard shows how firms that have won the Baldrige Award for performance excellence do, in fact, excel in the marketplace and on Wall Street.
dc.format249 p. : ill.
dc.publisherQuorum Books
dc.subjectManagement systems
dc.subjectSystem analysis
dc.subjectOrganizational effectiveness
dc.subjectOrganizational learning
dc.subjectISO 9000 Series Standards
dc.titleManagement systems and organizational performance : the search for excellence beyond ISO 9000

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