Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorLuna, Frank D.
dc.descriptionxxxiii, 824 p. : ill.
dc.description.abstractThis book provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 12. The book is divided into three main parts: basic mathematical tools, fundamental tasks in Direct3D, and techniques and special effects. It shows how to use new Direct12 features such as command lists, pipeline state objects, descriptor heaps and tables, and explicit resource management to reduce CPU overhead and increase scalability across multiple CPU cores. The book covers modern special effects and techniques such as hardware tessellation, writing compute shaders, ambient occlusion, reflections, normal and displacement mapping, shadow rendering, and character animation. Includes a companion DVD with code and figures.
dc.publisherMercury Learning and Information
dc.subjectComputer games
dc.subjectComputer graphics
dc.subjectThree-dimensional display systems
dc.titleIntroduction to 3D game programming with DirectX 12

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