Đang hiển thị mục 1-5 trong tổng 75

    • Giáo Trình Tham Vấn Tâm Lý 

      Gs.Ts.Trần, Thị Minh Đức (NXB Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, 2011)
      Giáo trình Tham vấn tâm lí này nhìn nhận tham vấn như một ngành khoa học ứng dụng trong thực hành chăm sóc tâm lí con người, được trình bày trong 8 chương. Trong đó, 3 chương đầu làm rõ tính chất khoa học của môn Tham vấn ...
    • Depression: cognitive behaviour therapy with children and young people 

      Wood, Alison; Verduyn, Chrissie; Rogers, Julia (Routledge, 2009)
      Until the 1970s it was generally believed that depressive disorders as seen in adults were rare in childhood. Depressive symptoms were considered a normal part of adolescence. Mood swings, low mood and irritability ...
    • Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide 

      H.Wright, Jesse; Ramirez Basco, Monica; E. Thase, Michael (American Psychiatric association Pubishing, 2017)
      Developing a book with video illustrations required a great deal of support from our colleagues and friends. We owe a special note of gratitude to the people who volunteered to play the therapists and patients in the ...
    • Theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy - A Multicultural Perspective 

      E. Ivey, Allen; D' Andrea, Michael; Brandford Ivay, Mary; Simek-Morgan, Lynn (Pearson, 2007)
      We are very excited about this newly revised edition of Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective. Our mission in writing this book has always been to provide future counselors and therapists ...
    • The practice of rational emotive behavioral therapy (2nd Ed.) 

      Ellis, Albert; Dryden, Windy (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2007)
      Foreword Psychotherapy requires a great deal of intellectual knowledge. To become a successful therapist requires that one reads many books and articles, and listens to hundreds of hours of lectures and workshops. ...