Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Don't make me think, revisited : a common sense approach to Web Usability
(New Riders, 2014)
The newspaper designer’s handbook
(McGraw-Hill, 2013)
Designing with web standards
(New Riders, 2010)
Brand identity essentials : 100 principles for designing logos and building brands
(Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc., 2019)
This title outlines and demonstrates basic logo and branding design guidelines and rules through 100 principles including the elements of a successful graphic identity, identity programs and brand identity, and all the ...
Brand identity essentials : 100 principles for designing logos and building brands
(Rockport Publishers, Inc., 2010)
Design terms are often used inconsistently - or just as bad, interchangeably. This leads to confusion for designers as well as clients. New in paperback, Essential Elements for Brand Identity lays a foundation for brand ...
Designing brand identity : an essential guide for the whole branding team
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013)
This book offers brand managers, marketers, and designers a proven, universal five-phase process for creating and implementing effective brand identity. Enriched by new case studies showcasing successful world-class brands, ...
Hire Me?!: The portfolio handbook : a guide to creating your design portfolio
(University of Cincinnati, 2011)