Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Case studies in performance management : a guide from the experts 

      Adkins, Tony (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006)
    • Cases to accompany contemporary strategy analysis 

      Grant, Robert M. (Blackwell Publishing, 2005)
      The new edition of this popular casebook considers current business theory in the context of real business situations. Specially-written cases illuminate key concepts and techniques in strategic management. Focuses on ...
    • Exploring corporate strategy : text & cases 

      Johnson, Gerry; Scholes, Kevan; Whittington, Richard (Prentice Hall, 2008)
      The 8th edition builds on these strengths, including coverage of key topic areas in this fast-moving discipline such as internationalisation, innovation and entrepreneurship. It is written for students of Strategic Management ...
    • Human resource management 

      Ivancevich, John M.; Konopaske, Robert (McGraw-Hill, 2013)
      This book takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRM is relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems, and decision-making and the ...
    • Human resource management 

      Ivancevich, John M. (McGraw-Hill, 2010)
    • Negotiation : readings, exercises and cases 

      Lewicki, Roy J.; Barry, Bruce; Saunders, David M. (McGraw-Hill, 2015)
      This book takes an experiential approach and explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. It is ...
    • Strategic management : an integrated approach : theory & cases 

      Hill, Charles W. L.; Schilling, Melissa A.; Jones, Gareth R. (Cengage Learning, 2017)
      This engaging strategy text presents strategic management scholarship in a way that is very accessible to students. Highly respected authors Hill, Schilling, and Jones integrate cutting-edge research on topics including ...
    • Strategic management : concepts and cases : a competitive advantage approach 

      David, Fred R.; David, Forest R. (Pearson, 2017)
      For courses in strategy. A Practical, Skills-oriented Approach to Strategic ManagementIn today's economy, gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage is harder than ever. Strategic Managementcaptures the complexity of ...