Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorSamovar, Larry A.
dc.contributor.authorPorter, Richard E.
dc.contributor.authorMcDaniel, Edwin R.
dc.contributor.authorRoy, Carolyn S.
dc.descriptionxii, 500 p. : ill.
dc.description.abstractThis book focuses on practical strategies you can use to communicate more effectively in a variety of contexts, including interpersonal, rhetoric, group, business, education, health care, and organizational. This broad-based, highly engaging reader, compiled by the authors who defined the course, includes a balanced selection of articles-some commissioned solely for this text-that discusses the classic ideas that laid the groundwork for this field, as well as the latest research and ideas. Material is presented in such a way that you can read, understand, and then apply course concepts to your own life.
dc.publisherCengage Learning
dc.subjectIntercultural communication
dc.titleIntercultural communication : a reader
dc.description.version14th edition

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