Now showing items 31-40 of 43
Fundamental concepts of language teaching
(Society Publishing, 2020)
This book discusses the basics of teaching a language, concept of learning and teaching a second language. This book explains the theories of linguistic and language learning, the different strategies that are a part of ...
Thesis and dissertation writing in a second language : a handbook for students and their supervisors
(Routledge, 2020)
Fully updated and packed with new material, the second edition of this book is the ideal guide for non-native speaker students and their supervisors working on writing a thesis or dissertation in English. Considering the ...
Testing for language teachers
(Cambridge University Press, 2020)
This book provides an accessible guide to concepts in language testing and the testing of specific skills and systems. It combines theory and practical recommendations to help teachers understand the principles of testing ...
University success, reading and writing : beginning
(Pearson, 2020)
University Success is an academic course designed for English Language learners preparing for mainstream academic environments.
Using computers in the translation of literary style : challenges and opportunities
(Routledge, 2020)
This volume argues for an innovative interdisciplinary approach to the analysis and translation of literary style, based on a mutually supportive combination of traditional close reading and ‘distant’ reading, involving ...
University success, listening and speaking : high-beginning
(Pearson, 2020)
University Success is an academic course designed for English Language learners preparing for mainstream academic environments.
University success, reading and writing : high-beginning
(Pearson, 2020)
University Success is an academic course designed for English Language learners preparing for mainstream academic environments.
University success, listening and speaking : beginning
(Pearson, 2020)
University Success is an academic course designed for English Language learners preparing for mainstream academic environments.
The Routledge handbook of research methods in applied Linguistics
(Routledge, 2020)
Key question in second language acquisition an introduction
(Cambridge University press, 2020)