Đang hiển thị mục 6-10 trong tổng 36

    • Economics as an experimental science : using field experiments to test models of economic behavior 

      Kerwin, Jason Theodore ([University of Michigan], 2015)
      Economics is limited by the fact that it is not an experimental science: our ability to experimentally test models of economic behavior is constrained by logistics and ethics. However, this view has been reshaped by the ...
    • Three essays on financial integration and trade liberalization 

      Le, Huong ([Colorado State University], 2018)
      This dissertation is composed of three essays which examine the impact of financial integration and trade liberalization. Chapter I investigates the effect of financial openness on labor share of income by using four ...
    • Impact of climate-responsive controls and land usage on regional climate and air quality 

      Trail, Marcus Alexander ([Georgia Institute of Technology], 2014)
      Impacts of Climate-responsive Controls and Land Usage on Regional Climate and Air Quality Marcus A. Trail 201 pages Directed by Dr. Armistead G. Russell Regional air quality impacts public health, visibility and ecosystem ...
    • Essays in financial economics 

      Chen, Guodong ([University of Michigan], 2016)
      The first chapter studies the impact of house price expectations together with securitization, on the magnitude of risky mortgage lending by banks. This chapter first presents a simple model to explore the impact of both ...
    • Rents and regulations in the developing world 

      Schwab, Daniel ([Boston University], 2016)
      Regulations may end up harming the very people they are intended to protect, and an unexpected windfall may lead to upheaval rather than prosperity. In three chapters, I discuss how rents and regulations can affect lives ...