Đang hiển thị mục 81-85 trong tổng 136

    • Floods and household welfare: evidence from Southeast Asia 

      Le, Thi Ngoc Tu (2020)
      This research uses a rich panel data set of household surveys and external long-term flood data, extracted from satellite images, to complete a puzzling picture of the effects of floods on household welfare. Floods impose ...
    • DTN: Deep triple network for topic specific fake news detection 

      Jinshuo, Liu; Chenyang, Wang; Chenxi, Li; Ningxi, Li; Juan, Deng; Jeff, Z. Pan (Elsevier, 2021)
      Detection of fake news has spurred widespread interests in areas such as healthcare and Internet societies, in order to prevent propagating misleading information for commercial and political purposes. However, efforts to ...
    • The impact of the package opening process on product returns 

      Zhou, Wenyan; Hinz, Oliver; Benlian, Alexander (Springer Open, 2017)
      High product return rates are an increasingly pressing challenge for many e-retailers around the world. To address this problem, this paper offers a new perspective by focusing on the critical moment of the package-opening ...
    • Fact checking on knowledge graphs 

      Weichen, Luo; Cheng, Long (Springer, 2021)
      Fact checking, which verifies whether a given statement is true, could play a vital role in fake news detection. For example, for a given piece of news, a potential solution could involve a series of steps, including ...
    • The emerging meanings of religiousness and spirituality : problems and prospects 

      Zinnbauer, Brian J.; Pargament, Kenneth I.; Scott, Allie B. (Blackwell Publishers, 1999)
      This article examines traditional and modern psychological characterizations of religiousness and spirituality. Three ways in which religiousness and spirituality are polarized by contemporary theorists are examined: ...