Đang hiển thị mục 61-65 trong tổng 136

    • Sensitizing ESL learners to genre 

      Swami, Jasti Appa (2008)
      This article evaluates the efficacy of explicit genre-based instruction by sensitizing the ESL learners to the concept of genre. The main questions addressed are: How does sensitizing ESL learners to the rhetorical move ...
    • Cross-cultural differences in conflict management : an inductive study of Chinese and American managers 

      Doucet, Lorna; Jehn, Karen A.; Weldon, Elizabeth (2009)
      The purpose of this paper is to compare conflict management behaviors of American and Chinese managers. Its main aim is to uncover cultural differences in the way Chinese and American managers approach conflict – thereby ...
    • Second language acquisition : reconciling theories 

      Menezes, Vera (2013)
      This article argues that previous attempts to explain SLA should not be disregarded. Instead, when they are put together, they provide a broader and deeper view of the acquisition process. There is evidence to support the ...
    • Teaching electronic tools for translators online 

      Gil, José Ramón Biau ([K.xđ.])
      The growing demand for training in translation technology can partly be met by courses in a 100% online mode. These courses, however, cannot simply transfer the experience gained in face-to-face environments. This paper ...
    • Physiological and self-report methods to the measurement of emotion in tourism 

      Hadinejadt, Arghavan; Moyle, Brent D.; Kralj, Anna; Scot, Noel (2020)
      There is strong growth in research on tourist emotion, with a substantial scholarly debate emerging, surrounding approaches to measurement. Recently objective physiological methods for measurement of emotion have been ...