Đang hiển thị mục 16-20 trong tổng 136

    • Consumer behavior 

      Kardes, Frank R.; Cronley, Maria L.; Cline, Thomas W. (South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2011)
      This wide-ranging yet focused text provides an informative introduction to consumer behavior supported by in-depth, scientifically grounded coverage of key principles and applications. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, First Edition, ...
    • Gender, development and marriage 

      Sweetman, Caroline (editor) (Oxfam GB, 2003)
      This collection of articles explores how marriage is linked to gender inequalities, women’s human rights, and development policy. It examines the economic, social, cultural, and health impacts of women’s marital status and ...
    • Gender, culture, and consumer behavior 

      Otnes, Cele C. (editor); Zayer, Linda Tuncay (editor) (Routledge, 2012)
      This book covers the gamut of topics related to gender and consumer culture. Changing gender roles have forced scholars and practitioners to re-examine some of the fundamental assumptions and theories in this area. Gender ...
    • Gender, development and health 

      Sweetman, Caroline (editor) (Oxfam GB, 2001)
      Issues covered include women’s comparative lack of access to medical care throughout the life-cycle; mental health; why infectious diseases are a gender issue; the role of older women in health promotion; gender-sensitive ...
    • Consumer behavior and advertising management 

      Khan, Matin (New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, 2006)