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Recent Submissions
Bank Management and Financial Services (9th Edition)
(McGraw Hill, 2013)Bank Management and Financial Services, now in its ninth edition, is designed primarily for students interested in pursuing careers in or learning more about the financial services industry. It explores the services that ... -
Bank Asset Liability Management Best Practice: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
(De Gruyter, 2021)As bankers incorporate more and more complicated and precise calculations and models, a solely mathematical approach will fail to confirm the viability of their business. This book explains how to combine ALM concepts with ... -
Statistics for Psychology: Pearson New International Edition
(Pearson Education Limited, 2013) -
A Beginner's Guide To Web Application Penetration Testing (Tech Today)
(Wiley, 2025)A hands-on, beginner-friendly intro to web application pentesting In A Beginner's Guide to Web Application Penetration Testing, seasoned cybersecurity veteran Ali Abdollahi delivers a startlingly insightful and up-to-date ... -
Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework (4th Edition)
(Wiley, 2022)Every business on the planet is trying to maximize the value created by its customers Learn how to do it, step by step, in this newly revised Fourth Edition of Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic ...