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Recent Submissions
Statistics for Psychology (6th Edition)
(Pearson, 2012)Emphasizing meaning and concepts, not just symbols and numbers Statistics for Psychology, 6th edition places definitional formulas center stage to emphasize the logic behind statistics and discourage rote memorization. ... -
The Personal Branding Playbook: Turn Your Personality Into Your Competitive Advantage
(Capstone, 2024)Everyone has a personal brand. You have a personal brand with the people you work with, the people you love, the people who serve you your morning coffee and the people who you greet on your morning commute. Every single ... -
Learn Python Programming: A comprehensive, up-to-date, and definitive guide to learning Python (4th)
(Packt Publishing, 2024)Learn Python Programming, Fourth Edition, provides a comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to Python programming, covering fundamental concepts and practical applications. This edition has been meticulously updated to ... -
Curiosity: The Secret Ingredient for Success in Personal and Professional Growth
(Capstone, 2025)Curiosity: The Secret Ingredient for Success in Personal and Professional Growth describes the ins and outs of curiosity: what it is, how it works and what it does; how it influences success for individuals and organisations, ... -
Real-World Java: Helping You Navigate the Java Ecosystem (Tech Today)
(Wiley, 2025)A concise handbook for the most common tools used in modern Java development Good Java developers learn Java syntax, how to create loops and switches, and can work out a lambda filter stream. But great Java developers ...