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Recent Submissions
Zero to Engineer: The Unconventional Blueprint to Securing a 6-Figure Tech Career
(Wiley, 2025)A straightforward, hands-on starter kit for your exciting new career in IT Zero to Engineer: The Unconventional Blueprint to Securing a 6-Figure IT Career is an intensely practical, no-nonsense guide to starting or ... -
Building Moonshots: 50+ Ways To Turn Radical Ideas Into Reality
(Wiley, 2023)Solve the world’s biggest problems and create a better future In Building Moonshots: 50+ Ways to To Turn Radical Ideas Into Reality, a team of expert innovation strategists delivers an exciting and insightful collection ... -
Microsoft 365 Word For Dummies (2nd Edition)
(For dummies, 2025)Word, Microsoft's powerful and popular word processor, is capable of extraordinary things. From template building to fancy formatting and even AI-powered editing and proofing, your copy of Word stands ready to help you ... -
Coding with ChatGPT and Other LLMs: Navigate LLMs for effective coding, debugging, and AI-driven development
(Packt, 2024)Keeping up with the AI revolution and its application in coding can be challenging, but with guidance from AI and ML expert Dr. Vincent Hall—who holds a PhD in machine learning and has extensive experience in licensed ... -
Statistics for Psychology (6th Edition)
(Pearson, 2012)Emphasizing meaning and concepts, not just symbols and numbers Statistics for Psychology, 6th edition places definitional formulas center stage to emphasize the logic behind statistics and discourage rote memorization. ...