Đang hiển thị mục 21-25 trong tổng 218

    • The barriers to holiday-taking for visually impaired tourists and their families 

      Kong, Weng Hang; Loi, Kim Ieng (Elservier, 2017)
      Although the provision of holidays for people with disabilities (PwD) and their families has been mainstreamed within social care policies in recent years, such a concern has not been given ample discussion in the tourism ...
    • The role of occupational therapy in accessible tourism 

      Hansen, Marcus; Fyall, Alan; Macpherson, Rhiannon; Horley, Joanne (Elservier, 2020)
      Interdisciplinary research is critical in addressing societal concerns, yet tourism struggles to employ such research methods, despite claims to the contrary (Oviedo-García, 2016). Accessible tourism is one such area with ...
    • Enabling the language of accessible tourism 

      Gillovic, Brielle; McIntosh, Alison; Darcy, Simon; Cockburn-Wootten, Cheryl (Routledge, 2018)
      The growing body of literature on “accessible tourism” lacks a critical scholarly debate around its specific language use and nomenclatures. To fill this gap, this paper provides a first examination of language. ...
    • Disability, social inclusion and the marketing of tourist attractions 

      Cloquet, Isabelle; Palomino, Marco; Shaw, Gareth; Stephen, Gemma; Taylor, Tim (Elservier, 2017)
      The participation of persons with a disability (PWDs) in tourism has received growing academic interest in recent years. This paper contributes to a reflection on how accessible tourism relates to the sustainable development ...
    • Effective redesign strategies for tourism management in a crisis context: A theory-in-use approach 

      Kim, Eun Joo; Pomirleanu, Nadia (2021, 2021)
      Fundamental crises transform the tourism environment. To achieve business continuity, hotels have redesigned their operations with innovative strategies, introducing new protocols, and launching branded programs promising ...