Quản trị Du lịch & Lữ hành: Tài liệu gửi gần đây
Đang hiển thị mục 66-70 trong tổng 243
When, where, and with whom during crisis: The effect of risk perceptions and psychological distance on travel intentions
We investigate how risk perceptions and psychological distance impacted people’s travel intentions during Covid-19. Our findings reveal that traveling to a high-risk destination increased people’s risk perceptions ... -
On track to net-zero? Large tourism enterprises and climate change
(Elservier, 2024)Much recent research on climate change mitigation has focused on carbon intensities, i.e. emissions per unit of economic value, to better understand interrelationships of decarbonization with value. This paper studies ... -
Exploring host-children’s engagement in tourism: Transcending the dichotomy of universalism and cultural relativism
Globally, considerable numbers of child workers are engaged in the tourism industry. Despite international ef forts to eradicate all forms of child labour, the number of child labourers in the service industries has ... -
A social media analysis of travel preferences and attitudes, before and during Covid-19
(Elservier, 2024)Covid-19 created tremendous uncertainty in the tourism industry; in this study, we use social media data to explore differences in the preferences and attitudes of tourism consumers, both before and during the pandemic. We ... -
Micro-foundations of absorptive capacity in platform economy-based tour guiding companies
(Elservier, 2024)This study investigates individual absorptive capacity (ACAP) in a platform economy-based tour guiding com pany. In such companies, guides are not employees but work as freelancers that sell their services to the com pany. ...