Now showing items 61-65 of 89

    • The Behaviour of Romanian Tourists Regarding The Attendance at Festivals 

      Mahikaa, Elena - Cristina; Rădulescua, Răzvan; Aluculeseia, Alina - Cerasela (Elservier, 2015)
      Despite the importance of the festivals for the culture and the economy of nations, little research has been conducted in order to understand the behaviour of the Romanian tourists regarding the festival attendance and ...
    • The role of food festivals in branding culinary destinations 

      X. Yanga, Fiona; Anthony Wongb, IpKin; Sherry Tanc, Xiuchang; Chi Wai Wuc, Don (Elservier, 2020)
      contributing to a destination's competitiveness. Building on the motivation, opportunity, ability (MOA) theory and elaboration likelihood model (ELM), the current study investigates how participants' motivation, time pressure ...
    • Exploring the motivation-based typology of religious tourists: A study of Welcome Royal Lord Festival 

      Melissa Tsai, Hsin-Yu (Elservier, 2021)
      Religious tourism plays an important part in the history of tourism development. People visit religious sites with different motivations. Previous studies have examined different experiences of tourists from pilgrims to ...
    • Producing Extreme Metal festivals: An analysis from Lacan's gaze 

      Yan, Grace; Kloeppel, Mark; (Robert) Li, Xiang (Elservier, 2017)
      By employing Lacan's theoretical framework of gaze, this study provides a narrative analysis to examine the managerial experiences of the producers for Extreme Metal festivals. Specifically, it explores meanings and ...
    • Analyzing the effects of an urban food festival: A place theory approach 

      Laua, Chammy; Li, Yiping (Elservier, 2019)
      Existing literature of festival tourism emphasises on heritage festival in rural place and seldom addresses the effect of urban festival as a potent force that contributes to place making. This study examines the missing ...