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dc.contributor.authorCakırtas, Mehmet (editor)
dc.contributor.authorOzdemir, Mehmet Kemal
dc.description.abstractThis edited book provides techniques which address various aspects of big data collection and analysis from social media platforms and beyond. It covers efficient compression of large networks, link prediction in hashtag graphs, visual exploration of social media data, identifying motifs in multivariate data, social media surveillance to enhance search and rescue missions, recommenders for collaborative filtering and safe travel plans to high risk destinations, analysis of cyber influence campaigns on YouTube, impact of location on business rating, bibliographical and co-authorship network analysis, and blog data analytics. All these trending topics form a major part of the state of the art in social media and big data analytics. Thus, this edited book may be considered as a valuable source for readers interested in grasping some of the most recent advancements in this high trending domain.
dc.formatvi, 245 p. : ill.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLecture Notes in Social Networks
dc.subjectSocial media
dc.subjectBig data
dc.subjectData processing
dc.titleBig data and social media analytics : trending applications

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