Hiển thị biểu ghi dạng vắn tắt

dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Christine
dc.contributor.authorBuswell, John
dc.descriptionix, 230 p. : ill.
dc.description.abstractThe service sector is considered to lag behind manufacturing in introducing quality management cultures. The leisure and tourism industry has tended to be even more dilatory, and so quality management was not given a high priority until recently. This book aims to develop an awareness of the underpinning theories of quality as applicable to leisure and tourism. It helps to comprehend the various dimensions of service quality along with the associated underpinning theory, facilitating and understanding of service, its characteristics and typology. Suitable for students and researchers, it shows how to evaluate critically the numerous quality management systems and techniques available within the context of the leisure and tourism business environment.
dc.publisherCABI Publishing
dc.subject.otherLeisure industry
dc.subject.otherQuality assurance
dc.titleService quality in leisure and tourism

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