Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Marketing hospitality
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002)
Combining marketing theory with a strong practical emphasis on industry applications, this book offers superior coverage of marketing as an integral part of operations, especially at the unit level. Beginning with an ...
Creativity in product innovation
(Cambridge University Press, 2002)
The market planning guide : creating a plan to successfully market your business, product, or service
(Dearborn Financial, 2002)
This book contains everything needed to develop comprehensive, customized marketing plans and effective and focused marketing strategies for every size business—from sole proprietors to Fortune 500 companies. Readers will ...
Event marketing : how to successfully promote events, festivals, conventions, and expositions
(Wiley, 2002)
Overview chapters explore topics such as electronic marketing strategies, funding, budgeting, promotion, and advertising; Individual chapters address the differences involved in marketing different types of events; Examines ...
Digital marketing : using new technologies to get closer to your customers
(Kogan Page, 2002)