Now showing items 51-60 of 177
Essentials of marketing research
(McGraw-Hill, 2013)
It takes an application-oriented approach, providing students with the tools and skills necessary to solve business problems and exploit business opportunities. The authors' years of experience in real-world marketing ...
Services marketing : people, technology, strategy
(World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., 2016)
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the eighth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic ...
Principles of marketing
(Pearson, 2018)
In a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it’s more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. This book helps students master today’s key marketing challenge: ...
(McGraw-Hill, 2017)
This book is the most robust Principles of Marketing solution available to meet the needs of a wide range of faculty. Marketing focuses on decision making through extended examples, cases, and videos involving real people ...
Global marketing
(Pearson, 2017)
Marking the 20th anniversary of this series of textbooks, this Ninth Edition of Global Marketing builds on the tradition and successes of previous editions. Its environmental and strategic approach outlines the major ...
Marketing channels : a management view
(South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2013)
This book, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research, and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that ...
Principles of marketing
(Pearson, 2012)
This book aims to show how to create value and gain loyal customers. The work is organized around a customer-value framework. Students may learn how to create customer value and build customer relationships. The author ...
Marketing channels : a management view
(South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2013)
This book, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research, and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that ...
Contemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications
(McGraw-Hill, 2011)
Known as the “coffee table book” for Advertising, it is known for its current examples, the author’s ability to pull from real-world experiences, and the clear writing style. Taking a comprehensive view of the industry, ...
Contemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications
(McGraw-Hill, 2017)
Known as the "coffee table book" for Advertising, it is known for its current examples, the author's ability to pull from real-world experiences, and the clear writing style. Taking a comprehensive view of the industry, ...