Đang hiển thị mục 1-3 trong tổng 3

    • Economic freedom and the lives of women : an empirical analysis 

      Fike, Rosemarie ([Florida State University], 2015)
      Recent literature on comparative institutional analysis has found that the set of institutions consistent with the concept of economic freedom correlates with higher levels of per capita income (Gwartney, Holcombe, and ...
    • Gender development 

      Blakemore, Judith E. Owen; Berenbaum, Sheri A.; Liben, Lynn S. (Psychology Press, 2009)
      This new text offers a unique developmental focus on gender. Gender development is examined from infancy through adolescence, integrating biological, socialization, and cognitive perspectives. The book’s current empirical ...
    • Questioning gender : a sociological exploration 

      Ryle, Robyn (SAGE Publications, Inc., 2018)
      With content organized around big questions about gender, Questioning Gender: A Sociological Exploration serves as a point-of-departure for conversations about gender, and as a resource for exploring answers to many of ...