Duyệt theo Chủ đề "Economic theory"
Đang hiển thị mục 1-5 trong tổng 5
Essays in economic theory
([University of Iowa], 2016)This dissertation contributes to economic theory on economies and games with discontinuous payoffs and ambiguity. In Chapter 1, we consider economic environments with complete information, where agents' payoffs may exhibit ... -
Essays on money and financial institutions in the history of economic thought, USA history, and theory
([University of California], 2015)I study the institution of money. I provide a history of the real bills doctrine in its various forms through debates with the quantity theory of money. I provide a brief history of financial regulation in the USA. I use ... -
Financial economics : a concise introduction to classical and behavioral finance
(Springer, 2016)This book gives a concise introduction into this field and includes for the first time recent results from behavioral finance that help to understand many puzzles in traditional finance. The book is tailor made for master ... -
Financial markets theory : equilibrium, efficiency and information
(Springer, 2017)This work, now in a thoroughly revised second edition, presents the economic foundations of financial markets theory from a mathematically rigorous standpoint and offers a self-contained critical discussion based on empirical ... -
Tax competition, tax policy, and innovation
([The Ohio State University], 2017)My research concerns how governments make economic decisions and interact with other governments, to increase social welfare; in particular, my focus lies in the area of taxation and technological innovation. In a globalized ...