Đang hiển thị mục 1-2 trong tổng 2

    • Dark tourism, abjection and blood: A festival context 

      Podoshen, Jeffrey S.; Yan, Grace; Andrzejewski, Susan A.; Wallin, Jason (Elservier, 2018)
      Dark tourism and its implications have been gaining significant prominence in both the literature and in practice in the recent past. Understanding the process and outcomes of dark tourism related to tourists and local ...
    • Producing Extreme Metal festivals: An analysis from Lacan's gaze 

      Yan, Grace; Kloeppel, Mark; (Robert) Li, Xiang (Elservier, 2017)
      By employing Lacan's theoretical framework of gaze, this study provides a narrative analysis to examine the managerial experiences of the producers for Extreme Metal festivals. Specifically, it explores meanings and ...